Value Exchange Engineering Research Program
Joint research with mercari R4D
Toward a future where everyone can exchange value fairly and securely
Joint research with mercari R4D
- Value Analysis
- Value Creation
- Value Exchange
Humanity began bartering in ancient times and continues to "exchange value" in various forms. In recent years, the rapid development of technologies such as AI and blockchain has created new forms of value exchange and trust.
As part of our mission at RIISE, we conduct extensive research into "value exchange" technologies, unconstrained by existing academic frameworks, to realize a society where people worldwide can engage in fair and smooth value exchange. RIISE will engage in research projects based on the following three visions:

Value Analysis
Technology to quantify the value of goods and services based on scarcity and context
Value Creation
Research on technologies that create and enhance the value of human-created goods and services
Value Exchange
Research on platform technologies that support value exchange

Interactive Simulation for Decision Making in Multi-Objective Systems
Interactive simulations are computational tools that allow people to design and optimize solutions to all manner of socio-technical engineering problems. The goal is to make the techniques of model-based thinking and multi-objective decision making inclusive to people of all backgrounds. Therefore, building novel user interfaces to include non-expert stakeholders in any given socio-technical engineering challenge is a major component of this research.
Fair and smooth value exchange based on optimization technology
When value is exchanged between people, it is essential to aim for both fairness in the value exchange as well as increase in social surplus. In addition, when calculating what type of exchange is the most desirable for such an outcome, it is necessary to develop algorithms that run in practical time. The aim in this research is to realize fair and smooth value exchange by solving the above issues using optimization technology.
Memory Marketplace
The traditional consumer-to-consumer (C2C) marketplace focuses on trading goods and services for monetary compensation. However, used items, such as old instruments or collectibles, often represent more than their monetary value to their owners. The items are associated with the memories created from owning, using, maintaining and caring for them. The aim of this research is to investigate how this emotional value is exchanged in C2C marketplace, and how to support the co-creation of emotional value associated with an item in the global marketplace by enhancing emotional and multilingual transactions between buyers and sellers with novel technological solutions.

- IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) 2021 ICME 2021 Best Paper Finalists, 2021/07/09, P Xie, X Xu, Z Wang, T Yamasaki,, Unsupervised Video Person Re-identification via Noise and Hard frame Aware Clustering
- 公益財団法人本田財団 Y-E-S Forum 2021 POSTER CONTESET 10選, 2021/07/11, 井澤佳織, Strategies for conservation of historic architecture for sustainable building stock management
- 東京大学生産技術研究所 IIS PhD Student Live 2021 Third Prize, 2021/07/28, 井澤佳織, Study of strategy to conserve historic architecture
- 一般社団法人日本建築学会 2021年度日本建築学会建築社会システム部門若手優秀発表賞, 2021/11/01, 井澤佳織,渡部宇子,長谷川大輔,本間裕大, 工事費用と収益に着目した歴史的建造物保存の数理的性質
- MIT Technology Review Japan MIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35 Japan 2021, 2021/11/25, 笹谷拓也
- 東京大学生産技術研究所 UTokyo-IIS Research Collaboration Initiative Award 2021, 2022/03/18, 井澤佳織, 複数主体を前提とした建築保存における文化的価値の交換スキームに関する数理的研究
- ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2022) CHI 2022_Best Paper, 2022/05/02, Toshiki Aoki, Rintaro Chujo, Katsufumi Matsui, Saemi Choi, Ari Hautasaari, EmoBalloon – Conveying Emotional Arousal in Text Chats with Speech Balloons
- 公益財団法人日本都市計画学会 日本都市計画学会年間優秀論文賞, 2022/06/03, 井澤 佳織、渡部 宇子、本間 裕大、今井 公太郎, 歴史的建築物保存における収益施設化に向けた最適改修割合ー京都市歴史的建築物の保存および活用に関する条例適用事例に基づく検証ー
- WiGRAPH (community organization of SIGGRAPH) Rising Star in Computer Graphics, 2022/06/06, Maria Larsson
- 東京大学大学院 工学系研究科長賞(博士), 2023/03/23, 井澤佳織, 合理的な意思決定による歴史的建築物の保存実現に向けた数理的研究
- 東京大学工学部 工学部長賞, 2023/03/24, 本庄祐一, 無線電力伝送におけるハルバッハ配列を用いた共振器による漏洩磁界抑制
- ACM SIGCHI Best Paper Award, 2023/04/23, Zixiong Su, LipLearner: Customizable Silent Speech Interactions on Mobile Devices
- DICOMO2023 優秀プレゼンテーション賞, 2023/07/07, 吉川諒, ユーザブルセキュリティ研究に向けた情報セキュリティ・プライバシーに関する問題セットの構築
- DICOMO2023 優秀論文賞, 2023/07/07, 吉川諒, ユーザブルセキュリティ研究に向けた情報セキュリティ・プライバシーに関する問題セットの構築
- 人工知能学会 全国大会優秀賞(一般セッション口頭発表部門), 2023/07/19, 中島柚斗,楊明哲,馬場雪乃, スワイプ操作を用いた潜在的空間の探索による嗜好画像生成
- 人工知能学会 全国大会優秀賞(国際セッション部門 ), 2023/07/19, Yi Sun, Yukio Ohsawa, The impact of sentiment scores extracted from product descriptions on customer purchase intention
- 一般財団法人最先端表現技術利用推進協会 第7回羽倉賞優秀賞, 2023/11/10, 東京大学 / Nature Architects株式会社 / エレファンテック株式会社 / 宮城大学, Inkjet 4D Print:CGのモデルを現実世界で「折る」
- 一般社団法人日本建築学会 2023年度日本建築学会情報システム部門 若手優秀発表賞, 2023/12/05, 丸山純矢,本間裕大,西山勇毅,川原圭博, BLEビーコンデータを用いた建築空間内における移動経路の推定
- 電子情報通信学会HCGシンポジウム2023 最優秀インタラクティブ発表賞, 2023/12/13, 藤原 未雪(mercari R4D), 中條 麟太郎, ハウタサーリ アリ, 相手に求めるコミュニケーションスタイルの提示がフリマアプリにおける価格交渉のやり取りに与える影響
- National Institute of Informatics Best Student Award, 2024/03/19, Zhixiang Wang
- ACMIMWUT distinguished paper, 2024/10/08, Anran Xu, Zhongyi Zhou, Kakure Miyazaki, Ryo Yoshikawa, Simo Hosio, Koji Yatani, DIPA2: An Image Dataset with Cross-cultural Privacy Perception Annotations
- 電子情報通信学会(IEICE)MVE賞, 2025/1/23, Miyuki Fujiwara, Rintaro Chujo, Ari Hautasaari, フリマアプリでの商品説明文の作成における人・AI協働の基礎検討
- ACM SIGGRAPH Technical CommunicationsHonorable Mention, 2024/12/10, Atsushi Maruyama, Maria Larsson, I-chao Shen, Takeo Igarashi, Designing Reconfigurable Joints