提供:Ira Winder
Description: The Tactile Matrix, or Tangible Interactive Matrix (TIM), is an open source project developed by Ira Winder. It is a tangible interface for simulation that uses real-time projection mapping to provide computational feedback. It is designed to help stakeholders easily configure computational models of complex systems such as cities.

建築や都市計画の分野を経て、現在はインタラクティブ・シミュレーションの研究に取り組まれているアイラ・ウィンダーさん(価値交換工学社会連携研究部門 特任研究員)。技術、環境、社会的な世の中のあらゆる問題の解決策を誰もがデザインできるようにするツールであるインタラクティブ・シュミレーションとは何なのか、今後の応用の可能性、工学分野における価値交換の重要性についてお話をお聞きしました。
Ira is a project researcher of RIISE, currently building interactive simulations, after working in the fields of Architecture, City Planning, and Computer Science. We talked to him about interactive simulation, a technique that allows anyone to design solutions to all kinds of technical, environmental, and social problems in the world. We also discussed potential applications of the technique, and the importance of value exchange in the field of engineering.

-What is your research theme at RIISE?

I research advanced techniques for Interactive Simulation to solve problems in industry and society. Interactive simulations are computational tools that allow people to design and optimize solutions to all manner of socio-technical engineering problems. My goal is to make the techniques of model-based thinking and multi-objective decision making inclusive to people of all backgrounds. Therefore, building novel user interfaces to empower non-expert stakeholders is a major component of this research. 

Typically, a problem is framed by creating a computational model of a system, as well as any relevant metrics (i.e. objectives) for the system’s performance. For instance, a group of stakeholders may be interested in improving transportation accessibility within a city. In this example, we might start by building a transportation model of a city that includes metrics for transit accessibility. Solutions are then framed as modifications or interventions within the computational model. To further our example, this might include a new service for shared bicycles or an autonomous vehicle network. Finally, a problem’s stakeholders are allowed to dynamically configure solutions and compare their performances within a friendly user interface. 




-What are the possible applications of your research?

Interactive Simulation has potential applications in myriad socio-technical engineering domains such as industry, manufacturing, logistics, energy, transportation, urban planning, business, and finance. This research is best applied in situations where stakeholders wish to optimize an outcome while weighing tradeoffs between numerous objectives such as safety, quality, efficiency, and economy. Using these techniques may also provide transparency and reduce friction among diverse groups of stakeholders with competing interests.



提供:Ira Winder
Description: Ira discusses Interactive Simulation at Boston Properties University in Cambridge, Massachusetts.


-You are a member of MIT’s Engineering Systems Laboratory and University of Tokyo’s Hiekata Lab, which both focus  on systems design. How did you become interested in systems engineering, and why do you feel it’s important?

Most of us who identify as “Systems Engineers” are often intellectual refugees with specialties from other disciplines. One of my mentors from MIT, Professor of Engineering Systems Oli de Weck, is a former Swiss Air Force officer who hails from Aeronautics and Astronautics. Professor Kazuo Hiekata, another mentor of mine, studied and ultimately practiced Computer Science at IBM. My own background is in Architecture (MIT BSAD ‘10), City Planning (MIT MCP ‘13), and Interactive Simulation (MIT Media Lab ‘13 – ‘19). In fact, I didn’t really consider myself a Systems Engineer until I came to the University of Tokyo. Regardless of our individual backgrounds, I believe our attraction to the discipline of Systems Engineering goes hand in hand with a desire to see the world broadly as a vast network of technical, environmental, and social components.


「システムエンジニア」と名乗ってはいても、この分野の多くは、他の分野が専門である知的難民であることが多いです。MIT時代の指導教授であるエンジニアリングシステムズのオリ・デ・ヴェック教授は、元スイス空軍の将校で、航空・宇宙工学の出身です。稗方准教授も、IBMでコンピュータサイエンスを学び、実践された方です。私自身は、建築(MIT BSAD ’10)、都市計画(MIT MCP ’13)、インタラクティブ・シミュレーション(MIT Media Lab ’13 – ’19)の研究に携わった経歴を持っています。実は、東京大学に来るまでは、自分がシステムズエンジニアだとは思っていませんでした。経歴に関わらず、この学問に惹かれるのは、世界を技術、環境、社会的な構成要素の広大なネットワークとして捉えたいという強い思いと密接に関係していると思います。

-How does your research relate to the theme of “value exchange?”

Human values, not numbers, are at the heart of engineering. This is not to say that engineering doesn’t need numbers; It very much does if we are to establish some baseline of truth. However, those numbers are ultimately interpreted according to the value-based judgements of stakeholders. For particularly large and complex engineering problems, Interactive Simulation allows stakeholders to understand and mediate an equally complex exchange of values.

-研究は、”価値交換工学 “というテーマとどのように関連していますか?


-What are your interests outside of research?

Outside of my research at RIISE, I enjoy folk dancing, cycling, playing ukulele, and building simulations as art. One day, I hope to live in the Japanese countryside and grow my own vegetables. 



価値交換工学|Update: 2021.11.1